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Around 30% of all deliveries in Germany are carried out by caesarean section. The so-called ‘caesarean section’ is therefore one of the most common surgical procedures in obstetrics. For many patients, the operation is associated with anxiety and stress. Studies have shown that comprehensive education and information before a surgical procedure are associated with a lower level of anxiety and can lead to the regulation of heart rate and blood pressure. The SIMBA study will investigate whether additional information material beyond the standard information also leads to a reduction in anxiety and stress during caesarean delivery.


The Simba study investigates the following question:

  • Influence of additional information material on maternal feelings of anxiety and stress: Comparison between standard preparation and supplementary information provision
  • Survey of subjective assessment using validated questionnaires and recording of biological stress markers such as salivary cortisol and vital parameters.


All study participants receive the routine information sessions and examinations. They are randomly allocated to the control or information group, whereby only women from the second group are presented with the supplementary information material after their consultation with their doctor. This usually takes no longer than 20 minutes.

The three main measurement times take place on the day of the caesarean section. Shortly after arrival in the delivery room, before the journey to the operating theatre and before transfer to the maternity ward, short questionnaires and a saliva sample will be taken. Partners also have the opportunity to take part in the study. All participants receive a small gift as a thank you.

You can take part in the Simba study if you are at least 18 years old and your child is due to be born by caesarean section at the University Women's Hospital.

Your contact person for the study is Sarah Märthesheimer. If you have any questions or would like to take part, please contact us by e-mail at sarah.maerthesheimer@hhu.de. We will then check the inclusion and exclusion criteria together and clarify the further procedure with you personal

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